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htmlpurifier/tests/HTMLPurifier/Strategy/ValidateAttributesTest.php 7.02 KB
Maulyanda authored
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class HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributesTest extends

    public function setUp()
        $this->obj = new HTMLPurifier_Strategy_ValidateAttributes();

    public function testEmptyInput()

    public function testRemoveIDByDefault()
            '<div id="valid">Kill the ID.</div>',
            '<div>Kill the ID.</div>'

    public function testRemoveInvalidDir()
            '<span dir="up-to-down">Bad dir.</span>',
            '<span>Bad dir.</span>'

    public function testPreserveValidClass()
        $this->assertResult('<div class="valid">Valid</div>');

    public function testSelectivelyRemoveInvalidClasses()
        $this->config->set('HTML.Doctype', 'XHTML 1.1');
            '<div class="valid 0invalid">Keep valid.</div>',
            '<div class="valid">Keep valid.</div>'

    public function testPreserveTitle()
            '<acronym title="PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor">PHP</acronym>'

    public function testAddXMLLang()
            '<span lang="fr">La soupe.</span>',
            '<span lang="fr" xml:lang="fr">La soupe.</span>'

    public function testOnlyXMLLangInXHTML11()
        $this->config->set('HTML.Doctype', 'XHTML 1.1');
            '<b lang="en">asdf</b>',
            '<b xml:lang="en">asdf</b>'

    public function testBasicURI()
        $this->assertResult('<a href="">Google</a>');

    public function testInvalidURI()
            '<a href="javascript:badstuff();">Google</a>',

    public function testBdoAddMissingDir()
            '<bdo>Go left.</bdo>',
            '<bdo dir="ltr">Go left.</bdo>'

    public function testBdoReplaceInvalidDirWithDefault()
            '<bdo dir="blahblah">Invalid value!</bdo>',
            '<bdo dir="ltr">Invalid value!</bdo>'

    public function testBdoAlternateDefaultDir()
        $this->config->set('Attr.DefaultTextDir', 'rtl');
            '<bdo>Go right.</bdo>',
            '<bdo dir="rtl">Go right.</bdo>'

    public function testRemoveDirWhenNotRequired()
            '<span dir="blahblah">Invalid value!</span>',
            '<span>Invalid value!</span>'

    public function testTableAttributes()
'<table frame="above" rules="rows" summary="A test table" border="2" cellpadding="5%" cellspacing="3" width="100%">
    <col align="right" width="4*" />
    <col charoff="5" align="char" width="*" />
    <tr valign="top">
        <th abbr="name">Fiddly name</th>
        <th abbr="price">Super-duper-price</th>
        <td abbr="carrot">Carrot Humungous</td>
        <td colspan="2">Taken off the market</td>

    public function testColSpanIsNonZero()
            '<col span="0" />',
            '<col />'

    public function testImgAddDefaults()
        $this->config->set('Core.RemoveInvalidImg', false);
            '<img />',
            '<img src="" alt="Invalid image" />'

    public function testImgGenerateAlt()
            '<img src="foobar.jpg" />',
            '<img src="foobar.jpg" alt="foobar.jpg" />'

    public function testImgAddDefaultSrc()
        $this->config->set('Core.RemoveInvalidImg', false);
            '<img alt="pretty picture" />',
            '<img alt="pretty picture" src="" />'

    public function testImgRemoveNonRetrievableProtocol()
        $this->config->set('Core.RemoveInvalidImg', false);
            '<img src="" />',
            '<img alt="" src="" />'

    public function testPreserveRel()
        $this->config->set('Attr.AllowedRel', 'nofollow');
        $this->assertResult('<a href="foo" rel="nofollow" />');

    public function testPreserveTarget()
        $this->config->set('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets', '_top');
        $this->config->set('HTML.Doctype', 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional');
        $this->assertResult('<a href="foo" target="_top" />');

    public function testRemoveTargetWhenNotSupported()
        $this->config->set('HTML.Doctype', 'XHTML 1.0 Strict');
        $this->config->set('Attr.AllowedFrameTargets', '_top');
            '<a href="foo" target="_top" />',
            '<a href="foo" />'

    public function testKeepAbsoluteCSSWidthAndHeightOnImg()
            '<img src="" alt="" style="width:10px;height:10px;border:1px solid #000;" />'

    public function testRemoveLargeCSSWidthAndHeightOnImg()
            '<img src="" alt="" style="width:10000000px;height:10000000px;border:1px solid #000;" />',
            '<img src="" alt="" style="border:1px solid #000;" />'

    public function testRemoveLargeCSSWidthAndHeightOnImgWithUserConf()
        $this->config->set('CSS.MaxImgLength', '1px');
            '<img src="" alt="" style="width:1mm;height:1mm;border:1px solid #000;" />',
            '<img src="" alt="" style="border:1px solid #000;" />'

    public function testKeepLargeCSSWidthAndHeightOnImgWhenToldTo()
        $this->config->set('CSS.MaxImgLength', null);
            '<img src="" alt="" style="width:10000000px;height:10000000px;border:1px solid #000;" />'

    public function testKeepPercentCSSWidthAndHeightOnImgWhenToldTo()
        $this->config->set('CSS.MaxImgLength', null);
            '<img src="" alt="" style="width:100%;height:100%;border:1px solid #000;" />'

    public function testRemoveRelativeCSSWidthAndHeightOnImg()
            '<img src="" alt="" style="width:10em;height:10em;border:1px solid #000;" />',
            '<img src="" alt="" style="border:1px solid #000;" />'

    public function testRemovePercentCSSWidthAndHeightOnImg()
            '<img src="" alt="" style="width:100%;height:100%;border:1px solid #000;" />',
            '<img src="" alt="" style="border:1px solid #000;" />'


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