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htmlpurifier/library/HTMLPurifier/AttrDef.php 4.86 KB
Maulyanda authored
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 * Base class for all validating attribute definitions.
 * This family of classes forms the core for not only HTML attribute validation,
 * but also any sort of string that needs to be validated or cleaned (which
 * means CSS properties and composite definitions are defined here too).
 * Besides defining (through code) what precisely makes the string valid,
 * subclasses are also responsible for cleaning the code if possible.

abstract class HTMLPurifier_AttrDef

     * Tells us whether or not an HTML attribute is minimized.
     * Has no meaning in other contexts.
     * @type bool
    public $minimized = false;

     * Tells us whether or not an HTML attribute is required.
     * Has no meaning in other contexts
     * @type bool
    public $required = false;

     * Validates and cleans passed string according to a definition.
     * @param string $string String to be validated and cleaned.
     * @param HTMLPurifier_Config $config Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Config object.
     * @param HTMLPurifier_Context $context Mandatory HTMLPurifier_Context object.
    abstract public function validate($string, $config, $context);

     * Convenience method that parses a string as if it were CDATA.
     * This method process a string in the manner specified at
     * <> by removing
     * leading and trailing whitespace, ignoring line feeds, and replacing
     * carriage returns and tabs with spaces.  While most useful for HTML
     * attributes specified as CDATA, it can also be applied to most CSS
     * values.
     * @note This method is not entirely standards compliant, as trim() removes
     *       more types of whitespace than specified in the spec. In practice,
     *       this is rarely a problem, as those extra characters usually have
     *       already been removed by HTMLPurifier_Encoder.
     * @warning This processing is inconsistent with XML's whitespace handling
     *          as specified by section 3.3.3 and referenced XHTML 1.0 section
     *          4.7.  However, note that we are NOT necessarily
     *          parsing XML, thus, this behavior may still be correct. We
     *          assume that newlines have been normalized.
    public function parseCDATA($string)
        $string = trim($string);
        $string = str_replace(array("\n", "\t", "\r"), ' ', $string);
        return $string;

     * Factory method for creating this class from a string.
     * @param string $string String construction info
     * @return HTMLPurifier_AttrDef Created AttrDef object corresponding to $string
    public function make($string)
        // default implementation, return a flyweight of this object.
        // If $string has an effect on the returned object (i.e. you
        // need to overload this method), it is best
        // to clone or instantiate new copies. (Instantiation is safer.)
        return $this;

     * Removes spaces from rgb(0, 0, 0) so that shorthand CSS properties work
     * properly. THIS IS A HACK!
     * @param string $string a CSS colour definition
     * @return string
    protected function mungeRgb($string)
        return preg_replace('/rgb\((\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\)/', 'rgb(\1,\2,\3)', $string);

     * Parses a possibly escaped CSS string and returns the "pure"
     * version of it.
    protected function expandCSSEscape($string)
        // flexibly parse it
        $ret = '';
        for ($i = 0, $c = strlen($string); $i < $c; $i++) {
            if ($string[$i] === '\\') {
                if ($i >= $c) {
                    $ret .= '\\';
                if (ctype_xdigit($string[$i])) {
                    $code = $string[$i];
                    for ($a = 1, $i++; $i < $c && $a < 6; $i++, $a++) {
                        if (!ctype_xdigit($string[$i])) {
                        $code .= $string[$i];
                    // We have to be extremely careful when adding
                    // new characters, to make sure we're not breaking
                    // the encoding.
                    $char = HTMLPurifier_Encoder::unichr(hexdec($code));
                    if (HTMLPurifier_Encoder::cleanUTF8($char) === '') {
                    $ret .= $char;
                    if ($i < $c && trim($string[$i]) !== '') {
                if ($string[$i] === "\n") {
            $ret .= $string[$i];
        return $ret;

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