Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group WHATWG== HTML 5 ==URL: http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/HTML 5 defines a kaboodle of new elements and attributes, as well assome well-defined, "quirks mode" HTML parsing. Although WHATWG professesto be targeted towards web applications, many of their semantic additionswould be quite useful in regular documents. Eventually, HTMLPurifier will need to audit their lists and figure out what changes needto be made. This process is complicated by the fact that the WHATWGdoesn't buy into W3C's modularization of XHTML 1.1: we may needto remodularize HTML 5 (probably done by section name). No sense incommitting ourselves till the spec stabilizes, though.More immediately speaking though, however, is the well-defined parsingbehavior that HTML 5 adds. While I have little interest in writinganother DirectLex parser, other parsers like ph5p<http://jero.net/lab/ph5p/> can be adapted to DOMLex to support much moreflexible HTML parsing (a cool feature I've seen is how they resolve<b>bold<i>both</b>italic</i>). vim: et sw=4 sts=4